Online Workshops

Tea Time Quilt
Inspired by Delft's Blue tiles and vintage biscuit tins, this quilt is a combination of patchwork and some embroidery (although this is optional). You will receive a PDF with detailed instructions and photographs once a week, for a period of 15 weeks. As the instructions are sent by email, you will be able to work at your own pace.
The Tea Time quilt will measure 50" x 50" when complete, but you could add further borders to make it larger. This quilt has five small embroidered pieces but these could be replaced by fabric with an interesting print.
Instead of blue fabrics you can make this quilt in any colour combination you wish!
This project is suitable for all levels. The cost is £5 per week, with an initial payment of 5 weeks (i.e. £25) required in advance. If you are interested please contact our shop for more details. Sign up and start at any time!

Kiki's Craft Corner
One of the five embroideries
Patchwork Quilt Along
The Patchwork Quilt Along is suitable for beginners and those with experience.
This workshop by email will make a beautiful, traditional patchwork quilt. You can make it the full size with borders (about 70” square), add more borders to make it larger or stop at any point when it is large enough to suit your needs.
You will be given detailed instructions and lots of photographs in a file sent by email once a week for a total of 16 weeks.
As the instructions will be sent to you by email, please support our business and keep them for your personal use only.
PQA fees: £5.00 per week. Start date: anytime
Please contact us to take part:
Phone: 01520722919 (Wednesday-Friday)